Monday, December 8, 2008

Do you know where you will spend eternity?

Recently we spent a day at the Agribition in Regina
at the Fellowship of Christian Farmers booth.
Yes, we are farmers of a sort...we were planting
gospel seeds!
What an incredible experience!
People are lost, confused, searching.
It was the BUSIEST booth at the show!

10 out of every 10 people die
and have to face God, our Holy Creator and
Righteous Judge.
If you were to die today...are you SURE
where you will spend eternity?

We shared the gospel with every person
who came to receive a walking stick.
Each stick has 5 beads attached...

GOLD: Represents heaven, the home of
God, our Holy Creator and Rightous Judge.
He created us to be with Him, but...

BLACK: Ever since Adam and Eve,
mankind has been born separated from God
because ALL have sinned and broken God's Law
and the payment for sin is death - separation from God - Hell
RED: Because God is also loving, He had
a plan to save us! He sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to
take our place. He died for our sins.
He paid our debt! He rose again and
is with His Father in heaven. We need to
believe and repent of our sins - that means to
turn away from doing things our way and
instead, follow God's ways.
WHITE: When we ask forgiveness and
turn from our sin, God sees us just
as He sees His own Son - we are washed clean...
the Bible says whiter than snow!
GREEN: represents growth. When
we choose to give our lives to Christ, we
need to build a relationship with Him through
daily prayer and reading God's Word, the Bible.

WITH JESUS. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth
and the life. No man comes to the Father but
by me." There is NO OTHER WAY.
This is the most important decision you will ever make!

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