Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Running Still Sucks!!

After nearly thirty years of running for various reasons it still sucks!
For one reason or another throughout my life I have had to run to stay in shape.
It started out in Junior High School then Senior High School for track,
then various military training and summer camps. From there it progressed into
five mile morning runs in Petawawa Ontario before going to Germany in the summer of 1984.

While growing up in Midale, Saskatchewan it was unusual to see anyone running for any
reason unless the cops were chasing them or someone was about to get beat up.
Several times while out running getting in shape for military summer camps
and preparing to go to Germany, most farmers North of Midale would pull up beside you
with a dusty dirty old
grain truck and offer you a ride. When you told them you were actually out running
because you wanted to be running they had the most dumb found look on their face.
At the very least they would offer you a cold bottle of coke and be on their way to the elevator.
How times have changed :)

A few years later I found myself at the Saskatchewan Police College in Regina running
3.2 miles every morning at 5:30AM. After police college most police officers never run again.
But as luck would have it, it turned out that I would become both a self defense and firearms
instructor which required me to keep running and stay in shape to pass yearly tests.
From there I went on to teach at the Saskatchewan Police College, which required more
running to stay in shape just to keep up to the recruits who were running 3.2 miles every
morning at 5:30AM

So now I quit policing three years ago and found that I am fat and over forty
Fat & Forty!
So I started running again this winter, but I rather lay on the couch eat BBQ Pringles and
drink Dr. Pepper from a three gallon stainless steel milking pail. I even thought about
wearing one of those fat patches, which are suppose to make you loose weight while
laying there watching movies all weekend long. Somehow I don't think they are going
to work all that great.

The thing about running is that it never gets easier, because once you start
getting use to it, the more you push yourself to beat both time and distance.
After two hard months of running I went from one mile runs twice a week to three or four mile
runs every day of the week. I take turns by running three miles one day and four miles
the next day, with an average speed of 6.4mph. On a good day I will push myself

After doing some research on the internet I think I can pass the United States Marine Corp
Physical test, but I think I would be hurting to pass the US Army Ranger physical test.
But hopefully in a few months that goal will be reached??
I am not sure at my age and shape if I will ever be able to pass the US Navy Seals
physical test but I am striving for that.

It usually takes 28 minutes into a run before all the pain in my body goes away and the run
starts to feel good and the next mile and half goes quite well.
The other day I felt like I was on top of the world and full of energy while running
I thought I am going to run the full five miles. I haven't run five miles since I was 18
during the summer of 1984.

3.5 miles into the run my left ankle let out a wicked crack, and I was thinking hmmm
that can't be good nor does that feel good but only 1.5 miles to go. I recall thinking
seems funny my left ankle would let out a wicked crack since it was my right
ankle I had the pins put in.

I made the five miles in 47minutes and 30 seconds and couldn't walk the next day.
Today I was able to do 3 miles in 27 minutes.

The unique thing about running is that my wife will ask me later that evening if I want to
go for a walk with her, I always decline because I cant move from the waste down

Friday, April 9, 2010

Caught on Film

Had to post this picture of Lee and Linda...
Our healthy, water-drinking friends
caught drinking Coke!!
Linda hadn't been feeling well,
so our Coke-pushing friend Jeff told
her that some Coke would make
her feel better.
And yup, we are pretty sure it
killed whatever bug she had.
Jeff, of course, recommends that she
have a little each day to be sure!